We all know that we are best able to learn and more inclined to try new things when we are happy. So Broomfield’s pastoral care provision aims to create an environment where children feel safe and secure, have fun things to do and are able to tell us if anything is upsetting them. This is paramount to helping our pupils enjoy life and achieve academic success.
Broomfield is dedicated to making sure this fundamental building block to learning is in place. All staff work with the children to help them identify the things that give them joy and to focus on these as a way of fostering a positive and optimistic attitude to life. Our PSHEE curriculum and assemblies offer a wider understanding of the world around us and the children’s place within it. We encourage children to appreciate their own individual skills and attributes as well as those of their peers. We get them directly involved in creating a strong sense of community in Broomfield through our Pupil Council and in activities that bring children together across the year groups.