Weekly Newsletter

Thoughts from the Study

Speech Day 2024

This week, we bid farewell to our wonderful Year 6 cohort, a group of children I will miss dearly. To draw a close to my Thoughts from the Study for this academic year, it feels fitting to print my speech in its entirety below. We were also joined by International English Rugby legend Chris Sheasby who delivered an inspiring speech about the importance of friendship and making the most of opportunity. I hope to see many of you over the summer holidays at some point, but in the meantime, I wish you all a restful, fun and family-filled summer. Thank you for all of your support this year.

As we gather in our school hall, a space where you have all played sport, competed, laughed, possibly cried, performed on stage, endured my sometimes overly long assemblies, fallen over, and stood back up again – I am filled with immense pride and, of course, a touch of bittersweet nostalgia. It is with great joy and a hint of sorrow that I address you on this momentous occasion, the day we bid farewell to all of you, our cherished Year 6 class who have given so much to the school.

To each and every one of you, I offer my heartfelt congratulations. Throughout your time in this school, you have exemplified the very essence of what it means to be a Broomfield pupil, showing integrity, curiosity, and resilience. You have embraced the school values that we hold dear and embodied the spirit of excellence in all your endeavours.

There is a phrase going around at the moment, it says that “All roads lead to Broomfield”. This phrase, truly encapsulates the essence of our school community. It has been incredibly rewarding to see you all develop and grow over this past year. We are a happy school where children have the space to be children and to enjoy all that prep school life has to offer. The sheer amount that has been achieved, celebrated, and demonstrated by you all is a testament to the vibrant, nurturing environment we foster here at Broomfield.

This year, our focus has been on inspiring all the children and the entire school community to flourish through the range of experiences offered. We are committed to fostering an environment where every child can thrive, not just academically, but also in terms of their wellbeing and personal development. From creative arts to sports, community projects to outdoor adventures, you have been given the space to grow, explore, and find your unique strengths and passions.

I have been endlessly blown away by your talent. We have had the privilege of witnessing your growth, both academically and personally. You have all overcome obstacles with determination, and we have watched you celebrate triumphs with boundless enthusiasm, importantly supporting one another as a tightly knit class, a class full of friends.

This year, we have also seen you further develop as leaders, with our Young Leaders Award being launched in Year 6 for the first time. The world needs kind and dedicated leadership now more than ever, and I believe it is crucial to equip you with the self-esteem and leadership capability to allow you to change the world for the better.

As you stand here on the cusp of a new chapter in your lives, more than ready to spread your wings and soar to new heights at senior school, remember that you carry with you the Broomfield values and lessons imparted on you. Embrace the challenges that lie ahead, it will be hard at times, with the knowledge that you are equipped with the skills and character to overcome any obstacle. Know that the world eagerly awaits your contributions, the lives you touch, and the positive change you will inspire.

As you move on, remember the importance of kindness. Kindness is at the heart of our school, and I know that each one of you is exceptionally kind, empathetic, and compassionate. Be torchbearers for kindness, advocate for the marginalised, and be catalysts for positive change. Embrace diversity, respect differences, and use your voices to amplify the voices of those who are unheard.

As you leave, hold onto the memories forged within these walls. Cherish the friendships you have formed, for they are the threads that weave the tapestry of your school days. Treasure the knowledge you have acquired, for it will be the foundation upon which you build your future endeavours. Remember the bottom patch epic football and netball matches, and always remember that you are part of a larger family here at Broomfieldβ€”a family that will continue to support and cheer you on as you navigate the path ahead.

To the parents and families who have entrusted us with the education and well-being of your children, I extend my sincerest appreciation. Your support, encouragement, and partnership have been invaluable.

As the headmaster, I am privileged to have played a small part in your journey, and I am filled with hope and excitement for the incredible things you will achieve. Year 6, you have left an indelible mark on this school, and as you embark on your new adventures, I challenge you to leave an equally profound impact on the world.

May your dreams be boundless, your spirits unwavering, and your hearts full of compassion. Time is precious. What you do matters. Use your time wisely.

Wishing you all a restful and wonderful summer ahead.

Mr Anstey


and Notices

All Parents

Thank you all for another wonderful year at Broomfield.

Over the past academic year, we have had the pleasure of witnessing incredible achievements, events, and the growth of our amazing children at Broomfield. We are extremely proud of all they have accomplished. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school in September. To our Year 6 children, thank you for all the wonderful memories you have given us, we wish you all the best as you embark on the next chapter of your remarkable stories.

Some important information to note:

– The new academic year will start on Thursday, 5th September 2024 for all children.
– During the first week back, there will be games on Thursday for Years 2 and 3. Children should come to school wearing their sports kits on these days.
– The first swimming session will be on Tuesday, 10th September.

You should have received an email with a welcome letter from your child’s class teacher for next year. These emails may include summer homework/projects and suggested reading lists. Please take the time to read them and ensure your child completes the necessary work over the summer break.

We have attached the diary dates for the autumn term again to the newsletter email. Please add these dates to your diary and make sure that your child is not missing school due to holidays as this is crucial to their learning and achievements. The half term dates are set in stone however some of the other dates (trips etc) may be subject to change. We will notify you if any changes occur.

Finally, we are conducting extensive renovations and upgrades to the school over the summer. We will respond to any enquiries as quickly as possible, but please understand there may be a slight delay in our replies. Thank you for your patience.

We wish you all a safe and relaxing summer break and look forward to hearing about the children’s summer adventures when they return in September.

Kind regards,

Mrs Doyle and the Office Team

Whole School

Koala Eco Trail

We are extending the Koala Eco Trail with a new deadline next week Wednesday 17th July. If you haven’t had a chance to participate yet please pick up a map from our local partners Caffe Torelli and Halletts Estate Agents. Children can win a Koala soft toy which is made out of plastic bottles.

Bring your family, enjoy the local walk, and start important conversations about how we can all contribute to a greener future. Let’s make a positive impact together!

Send us your photos from the Eco Trail to news@broomfieldhouse.com for inclusion in the autumn term newsletter.

Professional Photography

The photos from the professional photo shooting are now available to download from the Parent Portal. Follow this link. The photographer was only with us for half a day this term, but he will be back next academic year so more photos will surely follow.

Parent Portal Image Galleries

Please download any photos you wish to keep from the Parent Portal. All image galleries will be deleted from the website’s Parent Portal on 3rd September 24. Group photos should not be shared online including on social media.

The Broomfield Magazine

The annual magazine is out! This refreshed edition features a new layout, with less text and more photos that show some of the highlights of our year. We hope you enjoy exploring the stories and achievements of the children in this new format. If you would like to share any feedback please send an email to: news@broomfieldhouse.com.


Year 6 Awards Ceremony

What a year we have had! Year 6 children are celebrating their amazing journey at Broomfield House School. Awards were received, tears were shed, and hugs were shared with family and friends. We are proud of every child for contributing to school life with such enthusiasm and kindness.
After the awards presentation, we had the honour of welcoming Chris Sheasby, a true rugby legend, who delivered an inspiring speech about the importance of friendship. With a stellar academic background from Radley College and the University of Cambridge, Chris excelled both academically and athletically. His distinguished rugby career saw him play No. 8 for top clubs like Wasps, Harlequins, and London Irish. A standout moment was starting in the 2002 Powergen Cup Final at Twickenham, leading London Irish to victory over Northampton Saints. On the international stage, Chris earned seven caps for England, making a memorable debut with a try against Italy. His crowning achievement? Being a key member of the England Sevens squad that won the 1993 Sevens World Cup.
Thanks to all families who celebrated with us today! It was a really special event for the children.

Senior Play

Year 6 dazzled parents with their enchanting performance of Peter Pan last week. The children brought the classic tale to life with impressive acting, captivating costumes, and wonderful stage design. Their hard work and dedication were evident, leaving the audience thoroughly entertained and proud of their remarkable talent. Bravo to all the performers and all children who were supporting in various roles from choreographer to the tech team for a memorable show!

Senior Play Image Gallery

Evening Performance VideoΒ 

Friday Performance Video Part 1 | Part 2

Ice Cream Van

What a fun end to the term! The atmosphere in assembly was buzzing with excitement as the children eagerly anticipated the day’s special surprise. The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the appearance of the ice cream van in the playground, generously arranged by our fantastic PTA. Children lined up for their favourite ice cream treats. It was the perfect way to celebrate the end of term. Thanks PTA!

PK Pirate Day

Pre-Kindergarten had a day of Pirate adventures! They started with a ‘Pirates on parade’ workshop, followed by lots of fun pirate activities including a treasure hunt, walking the plank and feeding sharks. After all their adventures, PK enjoyed a pirate picnic lunch!

Dukes Spelling Bee

On Friday 7thΒ June, four of our children represented Broomfield at the inaugural Dukes Spelling Bee Competition at Prospect House School. Bethan, Nina, Ava and Austin competed as part of the top 20 spellers for the outer London schools and they did fantastically, with Ava reaching the final where she came an impressive second overall. Ms Nicolas, Managing Director of Dukes Education, congratulated the children on an amazing performance and presented Ava with her prize. Mrs Pache and Mrs Allison were immensely proud of all the children for their resilience in this extremely challenging competition and how they conducted themselves as Broomfield representatives. On the way back to school they stopped off to enjoy a lovely celebratory treat!

Art Highlight - Broomfield House School Values

Year 6 children participated in an art challenge to illustrate our school values. This creative task encouraged them to reflect on and visually express the values that define our school community. Well done to all children for their creative designs and in particular to Nina, Faraaz, Austin and Tara whose designs have been chosen to be displayed on our school website and around school. Watch out for some new display boards in the autumn term!

End of Year Junior Awards

Junior Awards


Congratulations to the recipients of our End of Year Junior Awards:


Stopford Junior Art Cup – Kanato Y2

Evans Junior English Cup – Melody Y3

Junior Gym Cup – Frankie Y3

Lee Junior Maths Cup – Yawar Y3

Rai Junior Modern Languages Cup – Alana Y3

Junior Science Cup – Magnus Y3

Junior Music Cup – Camilla Y3

Upcoming Events

Monday 2nd Sep
Tuesday 3rd Sep
Wednesday 4th Sep
Thursday 5th Sep

First day of term (All Clubs and wrap around care to start)Β 

PTA Second Hand Uniform on bottom patch in playgroundΒ 

Years 1-6 8.30am, Early Years 8.45am.Β Β 

First Games for Years 2 and 3Β 

Coffee morning for new families at 8.30am in the dining roomΒ 

Years 6 Year Ahead Meeting at 6.00pm in the Year 6 ClassroomΒ 

Year 3 Year Ahead Meeting at 6.00pm in the Year 3 ClassroomΒ 

Friday 6th Sep

Coffee morning for new families at 8.30am in the dining roomΒ 

Monday 9th Sep

Individual Photographs – more information to follow

Coffee morning for new families at 8.30am in the dining roomΒ 

Years 4 and 5 Year Ahead Meetings at 6.00pm in the respective classroomsΒ 

Tuesday 10th Sep

First SwimΒ 

Years 1 and 2 Year Ahead meetings at 6pm in the respective classroomsΒ 

Wednesday 11th Sep

First Games for Years 4 to 6Β 

Early Years (Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten) Year Ahead Meeting at 6.00pm in the hallΒ 

Thursday 12th Sep

Year 4 Trip to Wimbledon WatersportsΒ Β 

Friday 13th Sep

Playground Snapshots