Weekly Newsletter

and Notices

Whole School

Diary Dates and Enrichment Schedule

Please see the attachment in the newsletter email for the diary dates for the autumn term. While we work hard to make sure these dates are the final ones, some dates may be subject to change and we will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible if this is the case. Also attached is the updated clubs and enrichment schedule for autumn 2024.


End of Year Reports

We will uploading the end of year reports to famly for Early Years and iSams for Years 1 – 6 on Tuesday afternoon.


Summer Camp 2024

As we have received some requests for the Summer Camp Form, we are sharing it here for anyone that still wants to sign up: Summer Camp 2024


Lost Property

Over the year we have accumulated a number of lost property items including clothing, water bottles and more. We will set up a table at collection on Monday 8th July at 3:30pm – 3:50pm. Please pass by the table and see if you recognise any of your child’s items. After this, the items will be given to PTA uniform, charity or disposed of. Thank you.


Miss Crawford’s Half Marathon for OKMT

Hi Everyone,

In early September, I will be running the London Big Half Marathon to raise money for the Otakar Kraus Music Trust (OKMT). The OKMT provides music therapy and music projects for people of all ages in and around the London Borough of Richmond. They also run the OKMT Music School, providing specially adapted music lessons for children and young people with additional needs. The OKMT is a charity very close to my heart. I am a qualified music therapist as well as a music teacher and have worked for the charity for a number of years now. Any donations in support of my efforts and more importantly that of the charity will be greatly appreciated. Click Here to Donate

Thank you and wish me luck!!

Miss Crawford – Piano Peripatetic Teacher


Important Clubs News

A couple of updates on the clubs programme for September 2024.  Sadly, due to lack of numbers, gymnastics club, girls football club and Thursday art club (Y1/2), will not be running.  However, we do have some rather exciting news in that we have enlisted an external company for our cookery club offering.  We have some children signed up for the sessions already, however there is space for any newcomers.  Please see below posters for more details, please contact Mrs Crocker on admin@broomfieldhouse.com to book.  If anyone has forgotten to book for the autumn term please let Mrs Crocker know and she can organise this for you on the SOCS portal.


We also have the popular Technokids and Inventors Clubs running in autumn term, please see below for more information on these exciting clubs:

Broomfield Technokids Autumn 2024

Broomfield Inventors Club Autumn2024


Reminder for Drop Off at School

A reminder to parents that all children must stay on the top patch with parents until the bell is rang at 8:30am. Parents should not leave their children unsupervised or allow them to go to the bottom patch or any other part of school until 8:30am or unless a teacher is with them. Please can we also not park by blocking the gate of our neighbour at 6 The Coach House (image below) as she has been blocked in three times in the last two weeks. Below is a picture of her gate. Thank you all for your understanding.

Year 6

Y6 Awards Ceremony

We are excited for our Year 6 Awards ceremony this year. We have a very special guest attending to speak with the children and help present their awards. The Y6 Awards ceremony will take place on Tuesday 9th July. The event will start at 9am and run until 10:20am. Parents should enter via the Princes Road gate at 8:55am and take their seats on the bottom patch. Please ensure that the children arrive at school at 8:30am in full school uniform including blazers and school hats (boaters or caps – not red baseball caps).


Y6 BBQ – 9th July 

The Year 6 children will also have their Year 6 BBQ evening in school on Tuesday 9th July. This lovely event is a fun way for the children to relax and enjoy their last few days at Broomfield. It will start at 6pm and will run until 7:30pm. Children can be dropped and collected from the Princes Road gate.

Year 1


As our Year 1 children get ready for Year 2 next year they will need to get a backpack from the school office. If you would like to do this on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, please come and see us at drop off and we can give you the backpack and Mrs Crocker will invoice separately.


Swimming Items and Hymn Books

As our Kindergarten children get ready for Year 1 next year they will need to get a swim hat and swimming bag from the school office as they will start swimming from the autumn term. The children will also need a hymn book for Year 1 which you can also get from the office. If you would like to do this on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, please come and see us at drop off and we can give you the items and Mrs Crocker will invoice separately.

PTA Highlights

Summer Fair

With another summer term nearly here and gone, the PTA would like to say thank you to our lovely community for coming together to make this year’s Summer Fair the best fair yet (in our biased view)!
The Summer Fair (and auction) are our biggest social and fundraising event of the year and it wouldn’t be possible without each of you. If you bounced, raced, or paraded, scored a Tombola prize or spun out on candy floss—we hope you all had fun!
We have some lucky winners from the day:
Best Costumes: Everly (PK) | Gabriella (KG) | Gigi (Year 3) | Avni  (Year 1)
Best football score: Susie (Year 4)
Car Racing Game Best top score: Valters (Year 4) | Hamzah (Zach, Alana & Tamara’s Dad)
Cuddly toy winner: Chris –  (Year 4) the name is Hercules
Gummy bears: Simran (Year 4) There were 1,310 gummies in total
If you haven’t already received your prize please collect from the office.

Summer Fair Sponsors

Many thanks again to our sponsors!
Please support them where you can:
Main Sponsor – Halletts
Food Sponsor – HG Walter


Senior Play

Bravo to all involved for making this year’s senior play a resounding success!

Videos and photos to follow next week.

Den Day

We had so much fun on Thursday! Children gathered in the playground for our annual Den Day. The challenge was to design and construct dens using a variety of materials, and our children rose to the occasion with great team spirit. Despite rather windy weather conditions, the children collaboratively built impressive structures. Well done all!

Fashion Show

The Year 5 children did themselves proud in a fantastic display for their Spanish fashion show. They had obviously put much time and effort into preparing and learning their descriptions of each other and it was great to see them using the Spanish which they have learnt with such confidence.


Year 2 had an amazing time at Legoland last Friday. They were real thrill seekers going on the rides. We had a great day and made wonderful memories together. It was a joy to see them thoroughly enjoying their day.

Orange Tree Theatre

Year 6 enjoyed a trip to the Orange Tree Theatre in Richmond on Friday 28th June 2024 to see an entertaining and interactive version of Hamlet.

After their workshop, which had previously taken place at school, the children were keen to see the play, which ended with a culmination of “what ifs” from the actors and the audience. What if Hamlet and Ophelia had stayed together? What if Queen Gertrude had not married Claudius? We will never know…

Koala Eco Trail

And the countdown has started! This is the last weekend to complete the Eco Trail before we select 10 lucky winners who will receive a Koala soft toy next week. 🙂 Drop off your completed Eco Trail map in the post box in front of the main school entrance by next Monday 8th July.

Send us your photos from the Eco Trail to news@broomfieldhouse.com for inclusion in the end of term newsletter next week.


Weekly Awards

Drama Star of the Week
Tamara Y2
Artist of the Week
Gusti Y5
Music Star of the Week
Evie Y4
Sports Star of the Week
Bethan Y6
Drama Stars of the Week
All of Y6

Polite Person of the Week

Pre-Kindergarten: Occy
Kindergarten: Natasha

Year 1: Matthew
Year 2: Sophie

Year 3: Alana
Year 4: William

Year 5: Heyshara
Year 6: Lara

Upcoming Events

Monday 8th Jul

9am: Drama Hut History Workshop 

Pirate Day in PK 

10:20 – 10:50am: Chess Snr Final 

Tuesday 9th Jul

No swim 

9am: Y6 Awards Morning 

6pm: Y6 BBQ Evening 

EY reports published to Famly 

Y1 – Y6 Reports published to iSams 

Wednesday 10th Jul

PTA Ice Cream Van

Last day of term – school finishes at noon – no lunch

Thursday 11th Jul

Summer Holidays

Friday 12th Jul

Summer Holidays

Monday 15th Jul

BHS Summer Camp

Tuesday 16th Jul

BHS Summer Camp

Wednesday 17th Jul

BHS Summer Camp

Thursday 18th Jul

BHS Summer Camp

Friday 19th Jul

BHS Summer Camp

Playground Snapshots