ABHSMIHS18 (938)


Homework and helping you support your children

We provide homework as it is a great way for our teachers to confirm how well pupils have absorbed their learning.  It is also a key way to show your children that both school and family are equally interested in their education.  However, we don’t want homework to be a burden, it is as important that children have playdates to develop their social skills and can try extra-curricular activities or enjoy some downtime for free play. We set homework on Google Classroom for Years 1 to 6, although teachers can also send home paper copies of work where this supports the children.

If your children seek your help at home we want you to feel confident in how you can best support them.  Therefore, we offer workshops throughout the year usually focussed on the different key stages in areas such as Maths and Problem Solving, Reading and Literacy and more recently to develop a Growth Mindset in your children, keeping them open to new experiences rather than being fearful of new things.  If we can familiarise you with the teaching approach and methods we use in the classroom, there will be consistency between home and school which can only enhance learning.  We use child-centred methods that enable children to understand the concepts involved and therefore be more likely to remember and use them successfully.